I know I promised my next post to be happier but this one is going to be half and half, ok?
Firstly, a few of you have noticed lately, I haven't been quite myself. Well, two Wednesdays ago, I had an Harefield appointment and to say it didn't go according to plan is an understatement. As soon as i walked in my transplant consultant, told me he didn't recognise me, as I looked a lot iller this time than i did back in January/February last time i seen him. He continued by asking me why I hadn't signed the Lobar transplant papers, I hadn't because the other times I had been there it was only briefly mentioned. This is where things started to get serious. He told me straight, which I always appreciate, I hate when Doctors try and sugar coat things, I mean I know they do it to be nice but I'd rather them be blunt with me. He told me, I was running out of time and that he didn't think I would get a 'normal' transplant in time. I'd die on the list or i'll be too ill to receive one, he gave me 6 - 12 months to wait for a transplant and 6 - 18 months left to live. I didn't really know what to say, and to stop myself crying, i pretended to cough, which then actually made me have a coughing fit, well at least I could hide my tears. He carried on to tell me, that he thinks my only hope would be a 'Lobar' transplant, which means the team will receive lungs that are too big for me and cut the lower lobes off and just transplant them. Having a Lobar transplant, would give me a higher chance of getting a transplant, but it is a longer more complicated surgery, a longer and harder recovery, and obviously a higher risk. It is also a very rare op to have! He also told me that he would try and get me on the paediatric Lung Transplant list, although there is a high chance they will say no, and Great Ormand Street would prioritise if it came down to me and a child, which at the end of the day they're a child of course they should prioritise over an adult. He then asked me if I had any questions, but as you can imagine, I was in such a state of shock that I couldn't think of anything. I mean I knew sooner or later I would be given my life expectancy, but it doesn't make it any easier.
After, a very very hard conversation with my parents, and giving myself some much needed time to myself, I called Harefield with a bunch of questions, I agreed to go ahead and sign the paper work for the Lobar transplant. I mean if i was willing to take the risk of a 'normal' transplant I may aswell take the risk for a Lobar one. I also found out that after my consultant had pleaded my cases to go on the Paediatric list, they did allow me on. So now hopefully I have some more options.
I just want to thank the small amount of people I did tell, for being so supportive and waiting until i was ready to talk, because for a while i didn't to talk to anybody about it, i didn't even really speak to my parents about it, until I kind of didn't have a choice, and if i'm honest, I don't think I'm still 100% ready to talk about it.
On a better note, I turned 20 last week! My god, did I not want to turn 20! I cried at the fact I was no longer a teenager, I feel so old! However, considering I was looking forward to my birthday and I was stuck in hospital, I actually had such a lovely day! I woke up to my physio and nurses decorating my door with balloons and banners (even though i'm petrified of blow up balloons, I know I'm a baby) to my mom bringing up breakfast and helium balloons! Whilst my mom and I ate our breakfast and I opened my cards the nurses and my physio came through the door singing Happy Birthday with a cake, (first cake of the day!) They then laughed as I couldn't blow my candles out, damn shitty lung capacity!
My 3 birthday cakes |
Then early afternoon, my best friend came up with lunch and a naughty amount of presents. She spoils me way too much! Plus, she made cake, and for you's that don't know my best friend, she can't cook to save her life! So when she told me she was making me a cake, I was a little scared, but OMG it was amazing, also my favourite chocolate salted caramel! Mmmm, now I want cake!
Later that day/night they let me off my Aminophylline drip to go out for a meal with my family and Mais. After discussing where to go for a week, we decided to go Bar Estilo, which is a tapas bar, right up my street! We ordered so much food, but it was so good! If you have one by you, I 100% recommend it! We then ended the meal with another cake (which my mom made). I'd lost 5kilos while I was in, I think its safe to say after all that cake I must of put it back on! I had an amazing birthday and i was so spoilt by everyone, seriously I can not thank people enough, thank you so so so much! I love you all!
Mais, Eth, Momma, Daddy |
A few days later, I got another amazing surprise! For months my mom and I have been speaking about Adee Phelan's new salon opening in Birmingham the Custard Factory! I entered competitions and tried countless times to get an appointment, but nothing! So, when he turned up in my hospital room on Friday, I couldn't believe my eyes, I think all i said for a good 60 seconds, was omg! How was this even possible!? Well my sneaky and amazing friend Kelly, has set the whole thing up for a birthday surprise and to cheer me up! I mean I couldn't thank her enough, I owe her big time! Adee, cut my hair for me and gave me a shit ton of products, and invited me to his Salon! I was just in complete shock! He was one of the loveliest, caring, funniest person I have ever met! He truly is a very amazing, special man! And Kelly, well I can't even begin to explain how much i love her, she is a very very special person and means a hell of a lot to me. Oh, Btw if any of you have a spare couple of pound, would you sponsor Kel for me, she's doing a zip wire for CF, the adrenaline junkie! I would love to join her but unfortunately I am no longer well enough to be able to do things like that! She has £150 to raise in a small amount of time, it would truly mean the world to both of us
me and Adee x |
me and Kels x
Last but not least, my mommy and daddy and my mommys best mate, brought me a kitty! After nagging and nagging for so so long, my mom and dad finally gave it, which i never thought would happen. My dad hates cats, so him giving in came a complete shock to me! We got her Saturday and she truly is my little bundle of happiness, I love and adore her so much, she's so beautiful and tiny! Everybody meet Princess ( I wanted to name her a Disney character, but none suited her and she thinks she's a little Princess, the little madam)
If you have made it this far you deserve a pat on the back, because this was a long ass blog post, which probably bored the living day lights out of you! But Thank you if you made it this far!
I just want to say again, Thank you everyone for the support, it really means so much! Love you all!
Till next time...